Domain Name is not just a vague online name which you can book or unbook. In the course of time, it becomes an asset to the organization. It serves as a major factor as to how the organization is perceived.
For example, a company selling Belgian chocolates may have the name and anyone who wants to buy those particular chocolates can easily find them because of the appropriate domain name.
7 golden rules to safeguard your online asset:

  • Whois: Whois is a platform where details like ownership, date of booking, date of renewing, registrar’s URL, date of expiry, Name Server details etc, can be checked for EVERY Domain name.
    Click on the following link to check your domain’s details right now:
  • Control panel: Once you enquire a Domain name, make sure the service provider gives you the complete power to the control panel. This is mandatory since then you’ll be able to control the email, subdomains (if any), redirect links accordingly.
  • Money matters: NEVER make a cash payment. Always and always make domain related payment online or bank transfers, basically in a way where it can be recorded by a third party.
  • Verifications: Enable 2 level verification system instead of relying on single verification. Double checking won’t hurt!
  • Monitoring: Login frequently to make sure all the settings are in place. Make sure to note down the next renewal date so that it can be renewed before it expires or hire a service provider to make sure it gets renewed. Once the Domain name is expired, it’s available for sale. It puts the risk of losing ownership, which obviously not the most pleasing situation for any organization.
  • Trusted reseller: Make sure to register from a trusted Service provider even if it means paying more than what a non-reputed provider is asking for. This is not the area where organizations can afford to take any kind of risk or think of cost-cutting.
  • Never ignore a suspect: If ever you receive any communication about the Domain name, without any second thoughts or delay, inform your service provider you registered from. Never take such emails or messages lightly.
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